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Bright Orange Velvet Dupion Ribbon, 4" x 1YD

$699 USD

Designer Quality, Double-sided, Wired Ribbon

Bright orange is a color that brings a sense of playfulness and spreads cheer.  Displaying the color on both sides in different textures, with a lush velvet on the front and a subtle shine from the faux dupion on the back.

In the fall orange reminds us of everything pumpkin spice and the falling leaves. During the Christmas season it can be paired with bright pinks, purples, blues, greens and yellows to create a season that is merry and bright! Any other time of the year it can be a pop of color that makes you grin ear to ear! Easter, Spring, Summer or Everyday.

  • The quality wired edge allows for easy forming to tie bows or weave into your greenery.
  • Its durability gives it the ability to hold its shape.
  • This long-lasting ribbon can be packed away and reused for many years to come!
  • With this you will have one of Miss Cayce’s 3 key ingredients-ribbons, balls & florals.
  • Materials: Quality Fabric
  • Color: Orange
  • Dimensions:  4" x 1YD
  • Also available in 2.5" x 10YD

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