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Pink with Black and White 2-Sided Frizzy Curly Pick

$799 USD

You'll be in a tizzy over this sweet Frizzy Curly Pick, perfect for any DIY decor you choose to make. Pink on one side and black and white striped on the other side will go in many seasonal and holiday decor from Valentine's Day through Halloween. You can't go wrong with this accent piece.
  • Pair with our other seasonal products for your DIY decor creations.
  • Add to your tree, wreath, or teardrop to be used as door decor.
  • Include in the garland that dresses your fireplace or door frame.
  • Easily incorporate into your centerpiece, tablescape, or floral arrangement.
  • With this, you have one of Miss Cayce’s 3 key DIY ingredients  - ribbons, balls & florals. 
  • Materials:  Foam, Fabric, and Wire
  • Colors: Pink, Black, White
  • Dimensions: 16"
  • Item Number: 111873

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