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Multi Plaid Eggs and Bunnies on Yellow Ribbon, 2.5“ X 10YD

$1199 USD

Accent Quality Wired Ribbon

Plaid multicolored eggs, white bunnies, and carrots on a vibrant yellow ribbon are a classic combo for the Easter Holiday. This precious ribbon makes the ideal accent on any DIY decor.

Use it to tie bows or incorporate it into your garland, wreath, or centerpiece.

With this, you will already have one of Miss Cayce’s three key DIY ingredients-ribbons, balls, and florals.

The quality wiring allows for easy forming into whatever you decide to create, while its durability will allow it to hold its shape. This long-lasting ribbon can be packed away and reused for many seasons and years to come!

  • Material: Quality Fabric
  • Color: Multicolored
  • Dimensions:  2.5“x10YD